Subscription and contest (for registered users) We’ll send you at least two disks within the year, beginning in January 1992, for a subscription price of $25. We’ll include, at the least, many patterns, and may also include some other Wallpaper goodies. Please send a $25 check with your registration card, or any time you like, for the Wallpaper Pattern Subscription. (We can also take AMEX, but we don’t have VISA/MC yet.) In order to help us send out a lot of excellent patterns, we’d like you to send us those you create if the art is your own creation, and you assign us rights to it. If you are sending us patterns, please include a signed copy of our pattern submission form. We’ll judge the patterns (we’ll be the sole, entirely subjective, judges), we will feature our favorite choices in future subscription disks and we will also send a Wallpaper T-shirt to some of the authors. The patterns you send us must be owned by you, and your sending them to us will authorize us to distribute them freely. We who created Wallpaper hope you like it! The Wallpaper Team: Jens Peter Alfke Anne Jones Jeremy Bornstein Jim Heartney Ron Risley Linda Kaplan Phone: (212) 673–9724, Fax: (212) 260-1194 America Online (LindaK) and CompuServe (75056,1733) Thought I Could 107 University Place, STE 4D New York, NY 10003